Gyðja work never takes a day off….

I went to my local Dancing Spot the other evening.   I like to go on most Fridays to do a little magick, dance off some stress and hear some music.  I had a very stressful week and needed to unwind and let my cares slip away……


But the life of a Gyðja is one that never has time off……

When I first arrived someone I have known to be spiritually lost, stopped me and we had a long conversation about what was going on for him and how we might go about healing him.

Upon arriving in the Club, two people approached me about random personal issues they wanted my opinion  on.

Another aquitance came to me with questions about the ghosts that were living in her friends house, I listened to the story and got a read for the situation and gave some simple advice on how they might best approach the situation.

I also had a deep and interesting discussion with someone about crossing the Abyss…..

Needless to say, I must remember that I always have my Priestess hat on, even if I forget I do.

I am Blessed to help, and Honored to be asked.

Hail the Gods!  Hail the Ancestors!

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